Valleyview South Master Plan

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We're leading the development of a master plan for the area located between the Valleyview and Hillcrest neighbourhoods, presently referred to as "Valleyview South" (Study Area map). The current and proposed Official Community Plan designates this area for residential use. A new neighbourhood near the downtown core is vital to support some of the city’s housing demand and accommodate future population growth. A master plan will provide direction for the development of this new neighbourhood.

The Valleyview South area contains a mix of private, government, and First Nation land parcels. The City has hired a consultant firm, Groundswell

We're leading the development of a master plan for the area located between the Valleyview and Hillcrest neighbourhoods, presently referred to as "Valleyview South" (Study Area map). The current and proposed Official Community Plan designates this area for residential use. A new neighbourhood near the downtown core is vital to support some of the city’s housing demand and accommodate future population growth. A master plan will provide direction for the development of this new neighbourhood.

The Valleyview South area contains a mix of private, government, and First Nation land parcels. The City has hired a consultant firm, Groundswell Planning, to work with the landowners, key stakeholders, and the public to develop the master plan.

What is a Land Use Master Plan?

A master plan facilitates land development by establishing the vision and framework for an area. Learn more here!

Project Process and Public EngagementThe project will be completed in four phases with three opportunities for public input. Phases 1 and 2 are technical phases to get the project started and compile and review existing information. Phases 3 and 4 are when the fun happens and your involvement is key. Things to look out for:

Phase 3 – Developing Vision – Survey (November 21 to December 12)

We will look to you to help develop the vision for the new neighbourhood. A short survey will be released on November 21, and will run for three weeks until Monday, Dec 12 at 11:59 pm to inform the concept designs.

Phase 4.1 – Developing the Concepts (Winter 2023)

Informed by technical background reports and your feedback, the area’s landowners, adjacent neighbourhood representatives, and technical advisors will develop two land use concepts over the course of a three-day design workshop. The details on what public engagement at this time will look like will be posted when available.

Phase 4.2 – Refining the Concepts (Spring 2023)

Once the two concepts are drafted, the public will have the opportunity to comment on them. This input will help create a single preferred land use concept. City staff will present this preferred land use concept and the associated report to Council for their endorsement.

After the master plan process, there will be additional opportunities for your input when landowners apply to rezone their properties.

Key Themes to be Addressed in the Master Plan

There are number of key issues related to the study area for this master plan, including:

Active Transportation Connections

The Valleyview South area has been used for active transportation for decades, and the City wants to honour that historic use. However, many of these trails are located on lands held by private landowners, or First Nations who have a right to develop. The master plan will seek to maintain and enhance key active transportation connections while also enabling development in the area.

Gravel Hauling

We know gravel excavation and hauling near neighbourhoods is a contentious issue in this area. The master plan will help determine if any future gravel hauling will be necessary to facilitate future development, and if so, how to mitigate adverse impacts.


A large part of the study area used to be the White Pass Tank Farm, which was home to over 20 large petrochemical storage tanks. The fuel tanks were removed in the 1990s. The Government of Yukon (YG) designated the site as contaminated in 2011. Since then, substantial remediation efforts have been undertaken at private expense and portions of the site have received a Certificate of Compliance from YG. The master plan will provide direction for development of the areas no longer considered contaminated, as well as those requiring further clean-up, to ensure the area is safe for future residents.

  • Update #11: Final Master Plan Available Here

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    The Valleyview South Master Plan has been finalized to include Council's amendments.

    The document can be downloaded here:

    Valleyview South Master Plan, 2024

    Transportation Impact Assessment Study (Appendix D)

    Thanks again to everyone that participated in this project, from the landowners, the public and stakeholders, and our consultant team.

  • Update #10: Master Plan Approved, with Amendments

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    On May 27, 2024 Council approved the Valleyview South Master Plan, with amendments. City staff are working to incorporate those amendments into the document. Once completed, a project update will be posted with the Final Master Plan.

    Thank you to everyone who participated in this project, providing valuable input throughout the planning and approval processes—the Plan is better because of your involvement.

  • Update 9: Public Input Session - April 22

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    In conformance with the resolution passed by the Council of the City of Whitehorse on March 25, 2024, a Public Input Session shall be held on the subject of the proposed Valleyview South Master Plan. The date of the Public Input Session is April 22, 2024 at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. City Hall is located at 2121 Second Ave (entrance on Steele St)

    On March 25 Council also passed a motion to revise the draft Master Plan. The revisions would require the proposed public/institutional area between the Canada Games Centre and the existing Valleyview neighbourhood to be for a recreational facility.

    The Draft Valleyview South Master Plan is available for download here:

    Draft Valleyview South Master Plan, Mar 26, 2024
    Draft Valleyview South Master Plan, Mar 26, 2024 - Council Motion Redline Changes (for information)

    Any person wishing to make a submission regarding the draft Master Plan may do so in writing, by phone, or in person. If you wish to call in or appear in person, please register with the office of the City Clerk at Legislative Services by Monday, April 22 at 12 pm (noon), as there is limited space in the gallery.

    Written submissions must be submitted to the office of the City Clerk at City Hall or by email to Any written submissions will be provided directly to Council for their consideration.

  • Update #8: Draft Final Master Plan

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    Following the June 2023 engagement on the two land use scenarios, the project team has incorporated various streams of input to develop a preferred land use plan and report. The Draft Final Master Plan (report and mapping) is now available for review.

    City staff intend to bring the Plan to City Council in March for their consideration which will include a public input session (date to be confirmed) to gather feedback.

  • Update #7: Public Input on the Two Land Use Scenarios

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    Survey Results

    Thank you to everyone who completed the survey or submitted letters on the two land use scenarios. We received input from 63 respondents to the survey, a letter from the Valleyview Community Association, and a letter from a member of the public. We are excited to release the What We Heard Report 2: Land Use Scenarios, which summarizes the input from the survey and letters.

    This report, along with input from technical experts, planning and urban design consultants, and landowners, will inform the development of the preferred land use concept for the Valleyview South Master Plan. Input from the first What We Heard Report 1: Initial Engagement from the November/December 2022 survey with 685 responses will also continue to be considered.

    Next Steps

    The City’s consultant is now working to incorporate input from various streams of input to create a single preferred land use concept. The consultant is also busy developing the Master Plan report, which is a document that provides direction on how the land use concept should be developed, including more specific information. We anticipate bringing the Master Plan and land use concept to City Council for their approval in early 2024. The Council approval process will include a public input session.

  • Update #6: Land Use Scenario Survey - Closed

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    Update #6: Scenarios Options for Public Input

    *Update: Text below is updated with information on the Scenario Assessment Brief and Open House display boards.

    The City of Whitehorse is leading the development of a Master Plan for the area located between the Valleyview and Hillcrest neighbourhoods, referred to as “Valleyview South" (study area map). The Valleyview South area is designated in the current Official Community Plan for residential use and some greenspace. The Master Plan will provide direction for the development of this new neighbourhood.

    Two potential development scenarios have been developed and are being presented to the public and First Nation citizens. One scenario, or elements of both, may be incorporated into the final Master Plan concept.

    Links to Concept 1

    Concept 1 Land Use
    Concept 1 Transportation
    Concept 1 Servicing

    Links to Concept 2

    Concept 2 Land Use
    Concept 2 Transportation
    Concept 2 Servicing

    Scenario Assessment Brief

    A Scenario Assessment Brief was created to evaluate the two land use scenarios. The assessment reviewed land uses, engineering, contamination, transportation, and alignment with what we heard from the public in during the initial engagement.

    Survey (Closed)

    The survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. The input received will help determine the final preferred land use concept. The final preferred concept will also be informed by policy direction, Council strategic priorities, technical information, and the landowner interests.

    Open Houses

    Come out to one of our Open Houses and meet with the project team! In case you can't make to an open house, digital versions of the display boards are available here.

    Public Open Houses

    Wednesday, June 14
    Association Franco-Yukonnaise (302 Strickland St)
    11 am – 2 pm
    4 pm – 7 pm

    Thursday, June 15
    Canada Games Centre (Meeting Room)
    11 am – 2 pm
    6 pm – 8 pm

    Adjacent Neighbourhoods Open House

    Thursday, June 15
    Canada Games Centre (Meeting Room)
    4 pm – 6 pm

  • Update #5: Public Input Round 2 – Starts June 14

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    The project team has been busy turning your input, as well as input from the landowners and technical experts, into two land use scenarios for the Valleyview South area (Study Area).

    The project team has also been busy analyzing the scenarios in order to provide an assessment of the two scenarios. The assessment will include information on the land uses, remediation, transportation, engineering, and financial aspects.

    Information to come

    The two land use scenarios and the assessment brief are anticipated to be released on Wednesday, June 14 for a two-week public engagement period.

    Public feedback will mainly be gathered through a survey, but we’re also planning to host open houses. These open houses will help inform residents about the two land use scenarios and provide an opportunity to ask the project team questions.

    Open Houses on June 14 and 15

    We are planning four public open houses and an open house dedicated to residents of the adjacent neighbourhoods.

    Public Open Houses

    Wednesday, June 14
    Association Franco-Yukonnaise (302 Strickland St)
    11 am – 2 pm
    4 pm – 7 pm

    Thursday, June 15
    Canada Games Centre (Meeting Room)
    11 am – 2 pm
    6 pm – 8 pm

    Adjacent Neighbourhoods Open Houses

    Thursday, June 15
    Canada Games Centre (Meeting Room)
    4 pm – 6 pm

    We look forward to seeing you there!

  • Update #4: Background Report

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    The City’s consultant has finalized a Background Report that lays out the existing conditions for the Valleyview South area. It considers:

    • Environmental Conditions: Including geology, topography, hydrogeology, slope aspect and views, ecology, trails, and contamination
    • Heritage Resources: Including archaeological and historic resources
    • Planning and Policy Context: Including development plans and interests, relevant government policies and plans, adjacent land uses, public input to date, and other considerations
    • Site Servicing: Including vehicle and active transportation, water, wastewater, stormwater, and power and communications.

    This report outlines the constraints the land use concept plans must consider. The January Design Workshop used this report to ensure any plan brought forward for input can be built.

    The consultant team, the City, and the development partners continue to work through some technical issues, so the two land use concepts we will bring to the public for input this spring can be realized.

    Following this, the consultant will analyze the concepts to understand the implications of each concept. This includes assessments of the land use, infrastructure, remediation, financial, and transportation implications. These assessments will be available publicly to inform public input on the two concepts.

  • Update #3: Design Workshop and Next Steps (Webinar Cancelled)

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    Webinar Cancelled

    The webinar scheduled for February 22 has been cancelled. The project team will answer your questions here on our Engage Whitehorse project page where we can reach more people, and answers will be visible to all. Our team is made up of a diverse group of urban planners, transportation and infrastructure engineers, environmental specialists, urban designers, and public engagement specialists who are ready to answer all kinds of questions you might have.

    Future engagement events will be posted on this page as well – you’re in the right place!

    Design Workshop

    The landowners within the study area and representatives from the Valleyview and Hillcrest neighbourhood associations held a 3-day design workshop in January 2023. Informed by the What We Heard Report from the December 2022 survey, the Design Brief, and a draft background report (to be released publicly shortly), the City’s consultant led the group through various exercises to create two draft land use concepts (see some photos of the workshop here).

    The group of private, public, and First Nation landowners and neighbourhood association representatives worked well together. Issues, risks and opportunities for collaboration were identified and some hard ‘elephant-in-the-room’ type discussions were had.

    The outcome of the workshop was two draft land use concepts that participants deemed potentially feasible and able to achieve both landowner and public interests. The project team is fact-checking and working to visually articulate the land use concepts before they are released to the public for input.

    Next Step: Polishing and Analyzing the Two Land Use Concepts

    The two rough draft land use concepts are now being refined. There are still some technical issues that need to be resolved to ensure the concepts we bring to the public can be realized. In addition, the consultant team is analyzing the two concepts in order to provide additional information for the public to consider when reviewing the land use concepts. The team will assess the land use, infrastructure, remediation, financial, and transportation implications. This information will be available to the public when we engage on the two land use concepts.

    Future Engagement Opportunity: Spring 2023

    Once the land use concepts have been refined and the analysis completed, we will engage with stakeholders and the public at large. We will be looking to hear what you like and don’t like about the options. This input will inform a final preferred land use concept that City staff will bring to Council for their endorsement.

  • Update #2: Survey Results, Design Workshop, and Webinar

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    Survey Results

    Thank you to everyone who completed the survey. We had a great response rate of approximately 685 people! We are excited to release the What We Heard Report and Design Brief.

    The What We Heard Report summarizes the input we received from that survey, as well as input from the Valleyview, Hillcrest and Granger neighbourhood associations. This report will inform the design workshop.

    Design Workshop

    The City’s consultant will lead a design workshop on January 25 to 27, 2023. A design workshop is an intensive, multi-day meeting with landowners within the Valleyview South Master Plan study area, representatives from the adjacent neighbourhood associations, technical experts, and designers. The workshop allows the project team to engage quickly and effectively, ideate challenges and opportunities, and explore a broad diversity of design ideas.

    The outcome of this design workshop will be two land use options that will be brought to the public for comment in spring.

    A Design Brief is available that summarizes the key objectives, desired outcomes, the workshop agenda and participants, and key insights from the What We Heard Report that will help guide the design work. The Design Brief references a draft Background Report which will become public once it is finalized in February.

    Webinar – Save the Date! - Cancelled, See Update #3 for more information

    On Wednesday, February 22, at 6pm (cancelled, see Update #3 for more information), the City will host a webinar. The webinar will provide an overview of the project to date, including a review of the What We Heard report, background report, and the design workshop. There will also be time to ask the project team any questions you may have.

    Stay tuned for more information on how to join the event. We hope you can join us!