Update #5: Public Input Round 2 – Starts June 14
The project team has been busy turning your input, as well as input from the landowners and technical experts, into two land use scenarios for the Valleyview South area (Study Area).
The project team has also been busy analyzing the scenarios in order to provide an assessment of the two scenarios. The assessment will include information on the land uses, remediation, transportation, engineering, and financial aspects.
Information to come
The two land use scenarios and the assessment brief are anticipated to be released on Wednesday, June 14 for a two-week public engagement period.
Public feedback will mainly be gathered through a survey, but we’re also planning to host open houses. These open houses will help inform residents about the two land use scenarios and provide an opportunity to ask the project team questions.
Open Houses on June 14 and 15
We are planning four public open houses and an open house dedicated to residents of the adjacent neighbourhoods.
Public Open Houses
Wednesday, June 14
Association Franco-Yukonnaise (302 Strickland St)
11 am – 2 pm
4 pm – 7 pm
Thursday, June 15
Canada Games Centre (Meeting Room)
11 am – 2 pm
6 pm – 8 pm
Adjacent Neighbourhoods Open Houses
Thursday, June 15
Canada Games Centre (Meeting Room)
4 pm – 6 pm
We look forward to seeing you there!