Update #4: Background Report

The City’s consultant has finalized a Background Report that lays out the existing conditions for the Valleyview South area. It considers:

  • Environmental Conditions: Including geology, topography, hydrogeology, slope aspect and views, ecology, trails, and contamination
  • Heritage Resources: Including archaeological and historic resources
  • Planning and Policy Context: Including development plans and interests, relevant government policies and plans, adjacent land uses, public input to date, and other considerations
  • Site Servicing: Including vehicle and active transportation, water, wastewater, stormwater, and power and communications.

This report outlines the constraints the land use concept plans must consider. The January Design Workshop used this report to ensure any plan brought forward for input can be built.

The consultant team, the City, and the development partners continue to work through some technical issues, so the two land use concepts we will bring to the public for input this spring can be realized.

Following this, the consultant will analyze the concepts to understand the implications of each concept. This includes assessments of the land use, infrastructure, remediation, financial, and transportation implications. These assessments will be available publicly to inform public input on the two concepts.

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