Ice Lake Road South Master Plan

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We are leading the development of a master plan for Ice Lake Road South (ILRS). The ILRS area (Study Area Map) will provide space to accommodate commercial and industrial growth within the City of Whitehorse for the coming years. The ILRS Master Plan area will establish a vision and framework for the area. It will provide guidance on land use, density, on and off-site infrastructure, and financial feasibility for the future use of the area.

ILRS Planning Area (planning area) is located within the Traditional Territories of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) and Ta’an Kwäch'än Council (TKC). The planning area is approximately 32.42 ha and includes vacant Yukon government (“YG”) Commissioner’s land, KDFN Settlement Land (C-86B), and surveyed land (weigh station). The planning area occupies a strip of highway frontage on the west side of the Alaska Highway north of the Robert Service Way / Alaska Highway intersection.


In 2020, a detailed study was conducted to identify pieces of land owned by the City, Government of Yukon, and First Nations that could be considered for light and heavy industrial development. You can find more information about this study on our project page dedicated to Commercial and Industrial Land Planning. In 2021, a preliminary review was completed to refine the list of potential areas. The feasibility studies identify that the “Ice Lake Road South Area” should be the priority area for further planning to get land to the market with a future project intended for Ice Lake Road North.

To learn more about the existing conditions of the plan area and the constraints the land use concept plan must consider, read more in the Background Report.

We are leading the development of a master plan for Ice Lake Road South (ILRS). The ILRS area (Study Area Map) will provide space to accommodate commercial and industrial growth within the City of Whitehorse for the coming years. The ILRS Master Plan area will establish a vision and framework for the area. It will provide guidance on land use, density, on and off-site infrastructure, and financial feasibility for the future use of the area.

ILRS Planning Area (planning area) is located within the Traditional Territories of the Kwanlin Dün First Nation (KDFN) and Ta’an Kwäch'än Council (TKC). The planning area is approximately 32.42 ha and includes vacant Yukon government (“YG”) Commissioner’s land, KDFN Settlement Land (C-86B), and surveyed land (weigh station). The planning area occupies a strip of highway frontage on the west side of the Alaska Highway north of the Robert Service Way / Alaska Highway intersection.


In 2020, a detailed study was conducted to identify pieces of land owned by the City, Government of Yukon, and First Nations that could be considered for light and heavy industrial development. You can find more information about this study on our project page dedicated to Commercial and Industrial Land Planning. In 2021, a preliminary review was completed to refine the list of potential areas. The feasibility studies identify that the “Ice Lake Road South Area” should be the priority area for further planning to get land to the market with a future project intended for Ice Lake Road North.

To learn more about the existing conditions of the plan area and the constraints the land use concept plan must consider, read more in the Background Report.

  • Update #10: Council Approves Plan (Resolution #2024-18-04)

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    On September 23, 2024, Council approved the Ice Lake Road South Master Plan as a guiding document.

    The Plan sets out a vision, guiding principles and associated policies to guide decisions on land use and development in the Plan area, to create a quality commercial/ industrial development.

    You can download the final Master Plan here:

    This project is now complete. Stay tuned for future public engagement opportunities when we enter the implementation phase of this project.

  • Update #9: Public Input Submissions

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    Thank you to everyone who provided a written and/or in person submission regarding the proposed Ice Lake Road South Master Plan. The submissions were considered as part of the public input process and addressed in the public input report presented on September 16, 2024.

    Visit the City's Current Amendments page for more information on the Council consideration process.

  • Update #8: Public Input Session

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    In conformance with the resolution passed by the Council of the City of Whitehorse on August 12, 2024, a Public Input Session shall be held on the subject of the proposed Ice Lake Road South Master Plan. The date of the Public Input Session is September 9, 2024 at 5:30 pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall. City Hall is located at 2121 Second Avenue.

    Any person wishing to make a submission regarding the Master Plan may do so in writing, by phone, or in person. If you wish to call in or appear in person, please register with the office of the City Clerk at Legislative Services by Monday, September 9 at 12:00 pm (noon), as there is limited space in the gallery. Written submissions must be submitted to the office of the City Clerk at City Hall or by email to Any written submissions will be provided directly to Council for their consideration.

  • Update #7: Proposed Ice Lake Road South Master Plan

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    We are pleased to present the proposed master plan for the Ice Lake Road South development area. The plan will be introduced to Council on August 5, with a public input session anticipated on September 9, 2024.

    Read the proposed Ice Lake Road South Master Plan.

    If you would like to provide input to Council on the proposed plan, you must send it by email to by noon on the day of the public input session, or you can appear in person at the public input session.

  • Update #6: Land Use Concept Survey - Closed

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    The survey is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. The input received will help us refine the plan before we present it to Council for consideration.

  • Update #5: Webinar

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    Thank you to everyone who attended the online Webinar for the Draft Master Plan Presentation on June 11, 2024! You can view the recording here.

    We encourage you to read the Draft Master Plan for more information and take the survey to provide your input. The survey is still open until June 16, 2024.

    Stay tuned for updates on the Council consideration process beginning in August 2024.

  • Update #4: Draft Master Plan

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    In August 2023, we collected feedback from the public on the preliminary land use scenario. Based on that feedback and further studies, the project team has developed the land use concept. Now, we're looking for your feedback on the draft Master Plan. Your input will help us refine the plan before we present it to Council for consideration.

    Get involved


    Provide your feedback on the draft Master Plan in our 10-minute survey
    Survey closes June 16


    Join the webinar on June 11 at 6:30 p.m. to learn about the plan and ask your questions to the project team.
    To access the webinar, join the meeting on June 11 (MS Teams Meeting ID: 219 489 552 197 Passcode: PG8fVZ)
    We will post a recording of the webinar on this page for those unable to attend.

    You can download the draft Master Plan here:

  • Update #3: Public Input on the Preliminary Land Use Scenario

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    supporting image

    Survey Results

    Thank you to everyone who completed the survey on the preliminary land use scenario. We received input from 93 respondents to the survey, and 4 comments on social media post. We are excited to release the What We Heard Report: Preliminary Land Use Scenario, which summarizes the valuable input we received.

    This report, along with input from technical experts, planning and urban design consultants, and landowners, will inform the development of the final land use concept for the Ice Lake Road South Master Plan.

    Next Steps

    The City’s consultant is now working to incorporate the feedback from various streams of input to create the final land use concept and draft Master Plan. The draft Master Plan is expected be completed in early May, 2024, with an opportunity for the public to review and comment on the draft plan before it gets finalized and presented to Council. Stay tuned for more details on a public engagement opportunity to take place in June.

  • Update #2: Public Survey on Preliminary Land Use Scenario

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    We're leading the development of a Master Plan for Ice Lake Road South (ILRS). The IRLS area (Study Area Map) will provide space to accommodate commercial and industrial growth within the city of Whitehorse for the coming years. The IRLS Master Plan area will establish a vision and framework for the area. It will provide guidance on land use, density, on and off-site infrastructure, and financial feasibility for the future use of the area.

    A preliminary land use scenario has been developed and is being presented to the public. The feedback and input will be incorporated into the final Master Plan concept.

    Link to Concept: Preliminary Land Use Scenario

    Link to the Survey: Ice Lake Road South Master Plan

  • Update #1 Background Report

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    The City’s consultant has finalized a Background Report that lays out the existing conditions for the Ice Lake Road South area. This Planning Brief provides a deeper understanding of the opportunities and constraints related to the site. The purpose of report is to:

    • Provide a detailed review of the applicable City legislation and planning documents related to ILRS;

    • Review studies completed;

    • Examine how the existing work could shape and influence the future land use;

    • Undertake a thorough review of the development area to understand the specific opportunities and constraints; and

    • Evaluate high-level development and employment potential.