Free Fare Transit Study

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Consultation has concluded

The City of Whitehorse conducted a study on ways to improve Transit as part of its Transit Fare Study. The goal was to to understand your current Transit use, and what improvements would allow you to take Transit more often. The study also aimed to hear from a range of voices to understand how we could meet the needs of our ridership and support timely, convenient, and accessible transit for all.

The results of the Whitehorse Free Fare Study are now available.

This study is made possible thanks to the Canada Communities Building Fund.

The City of Whitehorse conducted a study on ways to improve Transit as part of its Transit Fare Study. The goal was to to understand your current Transit use, and what improvements would allow you to take Transit more often. The study also aimed to hear from a range of voices to understand how we could meet the needs of our ridership and support timely, convenient, and accessible transit for all.

The results of the Whitehorse Free Fare Study are now available.

This study is made possible thanks to the Canada Communities Building Fund.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Consultation has concluded
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