Building Permit Updates
In 2024, the City faced delays in issuing building permits. We have made progress in addressing this issue, and this page will keep you informed about the steps being taken to improve the building permit process and support development in Whitehorse.
Quick Stats – 2024 Building Season
Permits complete in 2024: 381
Applications received in 2024: 520
Applications received in 2023: 401
Check out our Building Permit and Code Education Webinar Series in our videos section, or subscribe to the series on our YouTube channel.
In 2024, the City faced delays in issuing building permits. We have made progress in addressing this issue, and this page will keep you informed about the steps being taken to improve the building permit process and support development in Whitehorse.
Quick Stats – 2024 Building Season
Permits complete in 2024: 381
Applications received in 2024: 520
Applications received in 2023: 401
Check out our Building Permit and Code Education Webinar Series in our videos section, or subscribe to the series on our YouTube channel.
City Launches Building Bulletins
Share City Launches Building Bulletins on Facebook Share City Launches Building Bulletins on Twitter Share City Launches Building Bulletins on Linkedin Email City Launches Building Bulletins linkThe City of Whitehorse is introducing Building Bulletins to help keep the local building industry informed about code requirements for building and plumbing in Whitehorse.
The Building Bulletins will provide clarity and up-to-date information to builders, contractors, suppliers, and others in the construction industry on changes to building requirements under the National Building Code and amendments to the City’s Building and Plumbing Bylaw.
Building Bulletins are posted on the City’s website ( and distributed by email to industry. To sign up for email updates, please contact
This is part of the work underway to improve the City’s building permit process and support local development.
For more information, contact Land and Building Services at 867-668-8340 or
Whitehorse Building Workshop
Share Whitehorse Building Workshop on Facebook Share Whitehorse Building Workshop on Twitter Share Whitehorse Building Workshop on Linkedin Email Whitehorse Building Workshop linkThe City of Whitehorse is hosting a Whitehorse Building Workshop for local builders.
The Whitehorse Building Workshop is an opportunity for builders, contractors, suppliers, and other industry representatives to learn and share information about the City’s building permit process and local building requirements for residential development.
Officials from the Land and Building Services Department will provide a review of the 2024 building season and discuss the changes underway to improve the City's building permit process, including a new e-permitting system that is in the works and scheduled to launch for the 2025 construction season.
Officials will also provide an overview of recently approved zoning amendments that encourage more residential development in Whitehorse, including the default allowance of up to four units per lot in all urban single detached residential zones.
Ken Kunka (AScT BCQ), a Registered Building Official for over 30 years, will also lead in-depth presentations on recent updates to the National Building Code and best practices within the construction industry.
Ken is the owner of Flywheel Building Solutions and has over 30 years of experience as a framer, consultant, and designer. He also spent 13 years as the Building and Permitting Manager with the City of Penticton, overseeing Building Licensing and Bylaw Enforcement.
This experience has given Ken a greater understanding of the critical importance of proper communication, building industry-wide relationships, fair service, transparency, and shared education to ensure the successful completion of building projects and the health and safety of occupants.
Ken's presentations will explore the various aspects of National Building Code and Whitehorse permitting process for housing and small buildings with a focus on the unique challenges faced by local building industry stakeholders.
Each session will encourage dialogue with participants to create solutions for quicker permit turn-around times and Code compliance.
The Whitehorse Building Workshop will take place over two days at the Mount McIntyre Recreation Centre, 1 Sumanik Drive:
December 2 – 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (lunch provided)
2024 year in review, changes to improve the building permit process, overview of National Building Code structure and local regulationsDecember 3 – 9 a.m. – noon
Fundamentals of Part 9 of the National Building Code for Residential Construction -
City no longer facing building permit backlog
Share City no longer facing building permit backlog on Facebook Share City no longer facing building permit backlog on Twitter Share City no longer facing building permit backlog on Linkedin Email City no longer facing building permit backlog linkAs of mid-August, the City is no longer facing a building permit backlog.
Permits for complete building permit applications for single-family and townhouses are now being issued within 2-3 weeks. These are permits that are reviewed by Building Officials before being approved (unlike permits for oil tanks, for example).
Permits for complete building permit applications for renovations and commercial permit applications are now being issued in 3-4 weeks. This is within seasonal norms.
Over the past several weeks, the City has taken a number of steps to expedite the permitting process and address staff shortages at Land and Building Services.
The City continues to work diligently to address one of the busiest building seasons on record. To date in 2024, we have received 407 permit applications, compared to 401 received in 2023.
So far this August, the City has issued 94 building permits, more than were issued in June (30) and July (33) combined.
Update on building permits: Foundation-only permits and support for new lot owners
Share Update on building permits: Foundation-only permits and support for new lot owners on Facebook Share Update on building permits: Foundation-only permits and support for new lot owners on Twitter Share Update on building permits: Foundation-only permits and support for new lot owners on Linkedin Email Update on building permits: Foundation-only permits and support for new lot owners linkThe City continues to take steps to improve the building permit process and reduce the backlog of permit applications.
New Foundation-only Permits for residential projects
Foundation-only Permits are now available for eligible residential projects. This will allow builders to apply for permits for excavation, servicing, footings, and foundation work for new residential buildings and, once issued, allow work to begin while an applicant’s Building Permit is processed.
To be eligible, applicants need to meet certain conditions. Visit for more information to see if your project qualifies.
Support for New Lot Owners
The City has received confirmation from the Government of Yukon that new lot owners can apply for an extension on the building commitment term in their sale agreement if they are impacted by the City’s current Building Permit backlog. An extension may provide additional flexibility for lot owners who are required to build within a specified period of time but have experienced delays in receiving a Building Permit.
Lot owners can request an extension by contacting the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources. The City will continue to work in collaboration with the Government of Yukon to support lot owners and alleviate pressures facing the local building industry.
The City will continue to provide updates on efforts to speed up the building permitting process on our Engage Whitehorse page.
Matthew Cameron
Manager, Strategic Communications
City of Whitehorse
(867) 689-0515 -
Shrinking Wait Time for New Building Permits
Share Shrinking Wait Time for New Building Permits on Facebook Share Shrinking Wait Time for New Building Permits on Twitter Share Shrinking Wait Time for New Building Permits on Linkedin Email Shrinking Wait Time for New Building Permits linkThe City’s expanded Land and Building Services (LBS) department is currently at a five-week turn-around for processing new building applications requiring a plan review by a Building Official. This is down from an eighth-week wait from earlier this year.
The added staff and consultant support has enabled the City to gain ground on the backlog of applications it faced this building season, which is expected to be one of the busiest in history. We’ve already received 92% of the number of submissions in all of 2023.
City makes progress on Building Permit backlog
Share City makes progress on Building Permit backlog on Facebook Share City makes progress on Building Permit backlog on Twitter Share City makes progress on Building Permit backlog on Linkedin Email City makes progress on Building Permit backlog linkOur Land and Building Services (LBS) team started extended Saturday hours today – one of many measures being taken to address the delay in issuing Building Permits. This is an update on we got here, what the City is doing about it.
How the City got hereThis year’s Building Permit delay was significantly affected by several factors including the 2023 and 2024 Land Lottery building applications being received at the same time, as well as two unexpected departures from within our Building Inspections team in March and May, just as permit application volume increased.
What the City is doing about it• With the loss of two Building Officials, local job recruitments went unfilled, so the City is currently undertaking a Canada-wide search to backfill the unanticipated vacancies.• The City reached out to the Government of Yukon Building Safety to determine if they have any available staff who might be able to assist.• LBS identified three external consultants to conduct plan reviews.• Other City departments are providing administrative assistance.• Former Building Officials have been brought in from other departments to assist.• The City has initiated an application pre-review to inform applicants sooner if their application is incomplete, before a full plan review is carried out.• We've initiated Remote Virtual Inspections for select projects. This initiative involves the remotely-located building official being on-site virtually with the builder to conduct the site inspection, saving on travel time and providing more timely inspections.• This fall, the City intends on providing informational sessions to the local building community on how plan reviews are conducted, what Building Officials do, and how we all might enhance permit application timelines.• This City has sent a letter to Government of Yukon advocating for an extension to the building commitment timeline for lots sold pursuant to Land Lotteries. -
New Remote Building Inspection Pilot Launched
Share New Remote Building Inspection Pilot Launched on Facebook Share New Remote Building Inspection Pilot Launched on Twitter Share New Remote Building Inspection Pilot Launched on Linkedin Email New Remote Building Inspection Pilot Launched linkThe City of Whitehorse is piloting a new Remote Virtual Inspection system to allow for more timely building inspections.
The new system will use video conferencing technology to allow a Registered Building Official to conduct a building inspection off-site by working with an on-site contractor or builder who is using their phone or tablet. Inspection reports will be completed by the Building Official and sent digitally to the contractor.
The Remote Virtual Inspection system will be implemented this week for select projects. Once the process has been tested over the coming weeks, the City will be working to expand this initiative.
Remote Virtual Inspection services are available in several Canadian municipalities, including Edmonton, Calgary, and Pemberton.
Introducing Remote Virtual Inspections is one of the steps the City is taking to expedite the permitting process and address staff shortages at Land and Building Services. The City has also contracted external help to review building plans and permit applications, redeployed staff to assist in addressing permit applications, and engaged specialized recruitment consultants to hire more Building Officials.
Matthew Cameron
Manager, Strategic Communications
City of Whitehorse
(867) 689-0515
Builders Permit and Code Education Webinar Series
Click here to play video National Building Code Part 9 Overview and Permit Submission Requirements City of Whitehorse Builders Permit and Code Education Webinar Series Session 1 National Building Code Part 9 Overview and Permit Submission Requirements January 15, 2025 Presenter - Ken Kunka AScT, BCQ
Click here to play video Excavation, Footings/Foundations, Radon and Drainage City of Whitehorse Builders Permit and Code Education Webinar Series Session 2 Excavation, Footings/Foundations, Radon and Drainage January 22, 2025 Presenter - Ken Kunka AScT, BCQ
National Building Code of Canada (NBC 2020)
Who's Listening